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Quel vin boire avec du fromage ? - Le Coin des Épicuriens

What wine to drink with cheese?

It's one of the clichés of France: a glass of red wine and a piece of cheese. What if red wine wasn't the best wine to drink with a nice cheese platter ? Do you want to enhance blue-veined, hard or soft cheeses ? Follow our guide for successful food/wine pairings !

Cheese platter: forget the red wine!

Clichés die hard and yet red wine is not the one that best highlights a good cheese platter. It is generally recommended to drink white wine with cheese . In fact, white wines go well with all styles of cheese and avoid overwhelming the taste buds.

If you don't like white wine, we give you all our advice for choosing the red wine that will pair with your cheeses.

What to drink with cheese?

What wines to drink with hard cheeses?

Hard cheeses like Comté, Tomme, Gruyère, Parmesan or Gouda have a powerful and intense taste. They will pair perfectly with white wine:

What wines to drink with soft cheeses?

Soft cheeses such as Camembert, Reblochon, Epoisses, Brie and Munster have a creamy, runny paste. They are strong in taste and can be enjoyed with different types of wine:

What wines to drink with blue-veined cheeses?

Blue-veined cheeses like Roquefort, Gorgonzola or Fourme d'Ambert have a pronounced and intense taste. To taste them you can turn to 2 types of wines:

What wines to drink with fresh cheeses?

Fresh cheeses like feta, goat's cheese and bush cheese are subtle and milder in taste. They can be enjoyed with different types of wines:

You now have all the cards in hand to enhance your cheese platters and discover the best food/wine pairings . You can discover our entire selection of cut cheeses in store and our white wines on our site !

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1 comment

  • Article très intéressant ! C’est vrai que par défaut c’est toujours le vin rouge qui accompagne le fromage, n’étant pas fan du rouge je suis contente de savoir que le blanc peux s’accorder aussi avec !


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